We are hiring!

THIS POSITION HAS NOW BEEN FILLED. We are currently seeking a Seasonal Stable Shop Retail & Admissions Assistant to join our team. You will be required to provide the front of house customer service for all garden admissions, coach parties and shop sales. You will be confident in approaching visitors on arrival to promote sales of tickets and retail products, and ensure a consistently high...

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Garden of the Year award goes to Helmingham Hall Gardens

We are extremely proud to have been crowned the winner of the 2017 Historic Houses Association (HHA) Garden of the Year Award, sponsored by Christie’s. This prestigious national award, presented annually since 1984, is designed to recognise the importance of some of the country’s most spectacular gardens with outstanding horticultural and public appeal. The Award is voted for by HHA Friends...

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Antiques Roadshow at Helmingham Hall Gardens

Antiques Roadshow 2017 comes to Helmingham Hall Gardens

Next year, BBC One’s much-loved Antiques Roadshow will celebrate 40 years of touring the country, valuing family treasures, car-boot sale and charity shop finds. On Wednesday, 28th December it announced the spectacular list of venues it will visit throughout the coming year. Presenter Fiona Bruce announced the venues in a special Antiques Roadshow (BBC One, 6.30 pm) looking back at the...

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